I offer ayurvedic guidance through the lense of integrated spiritual counseling, with the option of combining Yoga asana practice to the experience.
AYURVEDIC COUNSELLINGEMPOWERED CEREMONYThese sessions integrate the two wisdom traditions of Yoga and Ayurveda to provide a personalized form of spiritual counseling. By combining the meditative practices of Yoga with the Ayurvedic methods for creating a ceremony out of every day life, I can help you cultivate your deepest and most vibrant self. Each consultation spans a two week time frame and includes recommendations for your unique life and purpose.
INTEGRATED GUIDANCEYOGA & AYURVEDAPrivate Yoga Asana instruction can be combined with a Vedic counselling session for a potent and transformative experience. The first session will begin with a strong and powerful practice of Yoga, followed by an initial Ayurvedic interview. A second session includes a Yoga class designed specifically for your Ayurvedic constitution, followed by a recommended set of tools to help you find vibrancy through the ceremony of Ayurveda.